Larry N. Holt, Owner, SketchPad Graphic Design
812 Mountain View St., Fillmore, CA 93015
tel: 1.805.990.1189 | email:
see us at: Google+ and Facebook
I am a Graphic Designer looking for freelance or independent contracting projects in Graphic Design, offering my experience to individuals, organizations, and businesses in their marketing needs.
August 1988 – present, SketchPad Graphic Design – Fillmore, CA
A graphic design company specializing in quality publications, marketing materials and websites.
Owner/Designer—I offer a wide range of services including: design, graphics, and typesetting. I also offer website design and website hosting and maintenance. My wife Norma and I originally designed and produced an industry-acclaimed transmission rebuilding trade publication, GEARS Magazine.
Graphic Designer and Website Designer:
- 34 years business and industry orientation
- 27+ years professional graphic design experience
- 20 years professional website design experience
- proven ability to meet deadlines
- home-based freelance with own equipment/software
- strong computer graphics and writing skills.
November 1984 – January 1988, Alpharel, Inc. – Camarillo, CA (moved)
A mainframe computer peripherals design and manufacturing company.
Technical Publications Manager—I helped start the Drafting Department. I then started and managed the Publications Department. As the manager I:
- developed documentation guidelines and department standard operating procedures
- maintained documentation schedules and weekly status reports
- coordinated and supervised writing, illustrating and publishing efforts
- researched and evaluated PC CAD and PC desktop publishing.
September 1983 – November 1984, Vector Graphic, Inc. – Thousand Oaks, CA (out of business)
A microcomputer hardware/software design and manufacturing company.
Technical Writer—While I assumed the department’s responsibilities as acting manager I:
- wrote various Installation, Service and Operators Manuals
- developed a Documentation Style Guide
- maintained a weekly Documentation Status Report
- guided associate writers when needed
- prepared graphic illustrations when necessary.
September 1982 – September 1983, Haynes Publications, Inc. Newbury Park, CA
A publishing company producing consumer automotive repair manuals.
Technical Author—As an author I:
- wrote three Automotive Repair Manuals
- created an ink illustration of a motorcycle.
July 1978 – May 1982, Galion Manufacturing, Inc. – Galion, OH
A heavy construction equipment design and manufacturing company.
Technical Writer—As a writer I:
- wrote and illustrated many Parts Books, wrote Operators Manuals and Service Manuals
- coordinated the complete document production process from research to printing
- developed a document plan and maintained a sequence of events
- wrote in an informative style geared to the appropriate audience
- drew all illustrations included in my manuals and other parts manuals.
July 1980 – May 1981
Detail Mechanical Draftsman—I taught myself Computer-Aided Drafting. Within six months I produced detail and assembly drawings faster than a draftsman using manual drafting methods.
September 1977 – July 1978, Peabody Galion, Inc. – Galion, OH
A solid waste equipment design and manufacturing company.
Detail Mechanical Draftsman—I produced many detail and assembly drawings for engineering of hydraulic pumps, motors and cylinders derived from engineering sketches and existing product drawings.
August 1971 – November 1976, U.S. Army
Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Benning, Georgia
Construction Draftsman—I produced drawings of small buildings, road culverts, etc. from engineering sketches.
Army Signal Corps, Scofield Barracks, Hawaii
Construction Draftsman—I produced drawings of radar towers and communication installations from engineering sketches.
Army Corps of Engineers, Ford Island, Hawaii
Cartographic Draftsman—I drew multiple-color overlay maps depicting roads, buildings, railways, vegetation and water sources from aerial photographs. I acquired these skills through on-the-job training.
I also held a Top Secret Clearance.
September 1969 – August 1971, North Electric Company, Galion, OH
A telephone systems design and manufacturing company. Design and manufactured the Ericophone.
Mechanical Draftsman—I did on-the-job-training through a high school, school-work program where I went to school in the morning and worked until 5 in the afternoon. I drew drawings of electrical panels and associated components that are assembled into electronics for the telephone industry. I did this to help my jump into the workforce after 3 years of drafting classes in high school.
Since 1970, I have spent my career helping individuals, organizations, and companies with their document needs whether it is in hard copy print or also for the past twenty years, Internet websites.
I have detailed engineering drawings that became heavy construction equipment and topographic maps showing the rivers that flowed through Korea. I have drawn exploded view drawings of swimming pool pumps and an installation drawing so that a dog or cat could freely come and go in his owner’s home. My down-to-earth automotive technical writing background enabled me to transition to writing easy-to-understand computer manuals.
I help companies create a presence—to disseminate information to a consumer market eager for correct information. I believe good and clear information sells products and services.
My experience has been that clarity is key in documentation and marketing materials. Concise documentation makes a better overall consumer product and saves money spent in technical support. Well-designed marketing materials presents product information that draws consumer interest. While Internet web page design is different—it is also the same. Clarity, good structure and ease of use are paramount. My years of experience have given me an eye for these details.
The experience I gained in starting a technical publications department gave me the impetus to start my own graphic design business. During the past twenty years I launched an industry-acclaimed trade magazine, and have produced software technical manuals, hardware installation instructions, newsletters, membership directories, catalogs, book covers, business plans, proposals, brochures, stationery, business cards, display ads, gift cards, horizontal banners, vertical banners, Thank You cards, large graphic panels, fliers, posters, forms, coupons, postcards, gift certificates, invitations, rack cards, resumes, certificates, greeting cards, signs, bus schedules, CD covers, and much more.

Larry Holt, co-Owner | Norma Holt, co-Owner
All photos on this site property of and copyrighted by Larry N. Holt