SketchPad Graphic Design has had a large number of clients that we have done work for. Our graphic design clients cover many different types of business. Many of these customers have been customers of ours for many years, and have come back to us time and time again for various graphic design services.
SketchPad thanks the following clients for their patronage over the past 27+ years.
Central Station Bar & Grill . Ventura County Democratic Committee . Transformative Touch . Brandy Lengning . G-Pa Ryc . Angus Simmons . Tim Holmgren . Fillmore First Baptist Church . Global Pest Control . Initial Attack Tools . Thomas Grace Publishers . Janie Brunton-Munoz . HM Paint Workshop . Love Your Bones . Justin Pence . Ventura County Corporate Housing . Martin Hernandez . War Paint . Lynn Edwards . Band of Brothers BBQ . Vics Tires . RailFest . Nails N Things . HCG Plus Weight Loss . Welcome to the Neighborhood Magazine . Rudy Kostchyk . Autism Ventura . Boys & Girls Club Santa Clarita Valley . Chris Charles . Cornerstone . Dr Beck-Uhl, Dentist . Express Immigration . Island Social Services . LACIAS . Morgan Carriage Works . SCV Green . Stephen Friedman . Santa Paula Property Management . Terra Estates . Ventura County Industrial Real Estate . Aguirre Financial . Al Guilin . Frank Boblett . California Asphalt . Diamond Realty . TOaks Farmers Market . Ventura County . Fillmore Auto Electric . Fillmore May Festival . Froyo Palooza . Heavenly Gifts . Santa Clarita Hiking Club . Leslie McAdam . Livewell International . Ojai Olive Oil . Salazar Landscaping . Sierra Pelona Rock Club . Troy Helton HAC . Flag Stabilizer . Best Western, Fillmore . Cornett Construction . Fillmore Film Commission . Gerry Harmon . Santa Paula on the Green . Coast Farrier Service . H Bolton Graphics . Real Estate Magic . 805 RE Video Tours . Autism International Foundation . Chauncey Totes . AIM Glass . Movie Livestock . Nanette Keller . Nova Scotia Beach Rental . Paradigm West . Santa Barbara Dog Trainer . Attractions Spa . Cantu Financial . CJ Financial . Element Computers . Emerald Edibles . Farm Workers of Ventura County . Fillmore HAC . Fillmore Reads Program . Float Your Tatas . Gabaldon Construction . Galactic Fellow 216 . Jennifer Yates . Lawnmasters West . Lexicon . Original Computer . Roll-a-Chore . Scentsy . Santa Paula Police Association . Tomatomania . Fillmore Water Store . WL Morris Chevrolet . Zodiac Mist . City of Santa Paula . SoCal Plant Nurseries . Autism Internationl Foundation . Limoneira . CJSeto . The Academic Network . Santa Paula Citrus Festival . Ventura Water District . Santa Paula Kiwanis . Fillmore Rotary . Santa Paula Rotary . Faulkner Farms Pumpkin Patch . Tlaquepaque Restaurant . Fillmore Soroptomists . African Images . Boblett Automotive . CW Construction . Fillmore Welding . Copy Court of Oxnard . Edward Jones in Fillmore . VanSon Enterprise . Ozone Environmental Solutions . Lexicon . PALS in Education . Quest Financial Mortgage . Santa Paula Society of the Arts . The Maricopa . Saint Paul’s Parish Day School . The Injustice Files . Alberta Miculan . Aero Marine Tax Pros . Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce . Kay Wilson-Bolton . Santa Paula Inn . Miss Montana USA . Santa Paula Art Museum . The Artful Angler . Santa Paula Historical Society . Santa Clara River Valley Railroad Historical Society . Elkins Ranch Golf Course . Sycamore Village . Resource Guide Publications . The Shropshire Group . The Source Entertainment Group . Santa Paula Downtown Merchants Association . Rancho Camulos . KSSP Photographic Studios . Ventura TowneHouse . Michael Blatt and Company . Santa Paula Murals Project . Stone City Cafe . Shield Financial Services . Promo Affaire . The Property Store . Ozone Environmental Services . California Oil Museum . Pacific Child . Sundance Glassworks . Ojai Lavender and Roses . Coast Farrier Service . Magical Motions Enterprises . Blue Oak Productions . Titan Speed . Billet Fabrication . Mike Kerr Communications . Australian Migration Service . Western Travel Associates . SYS . CoastaLink . Artists Barn . Cord Grip . Troxell Tool . Heavenly Edibles . Versa Tote . Selacia . Verdugo Hills Autism Project . Associates Insectary . Flag Stabilizer . Bouquet Canyon Stone . Movin On Livestock . British Pacific . SaraLeon Consultants . Solent Truck Parts . Shubert Industries . One Stop Cleaning . Ventura County Water District . Monitor Case Management . Titan Mountain Sports . Scentual Haven . CuddleTime Books . MG Ryan & Company . County of Santa Barbara, Risk Management . The Fillmore Gazette . Kerr Communications . Ameri-Seal . Rocky Mountain Recreation Company . Lake Piru . Gerard Roofing Products . Rincon Gardens . Chet Seto & Associates . Tera Solutions Inc . CalWest Real Estate . SRSmith, Inc . Bans Corporation . Living Memorials . Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau . County of Ventura, Department of Airports . Hands On Consultations . Beverly Gage Bookkeeping Service . GEARS Magazine . County of Ventura Risk Management . County of Ventura Graphics Services/Mail Center . County of Ventura Hazardous Materials Abatement Program . Tower Urology . City of Fillmore . Adler Realty Advisors . Fillmore Chamber of Commerce . Medi Cal Specialists . Monitor Case Management . Fillmore Women’s Club . Rock & Water Creations . Progress On Purpose . Rincon Gardens . Otto & Sons Nursery . Dale Crockett Photography . Lost & Found Depot . F.V.Drafting . The Fence Post . Victoria’s Horse Drawn Carriages . California Happenings Magazine . Port Hueneme Div., Naval Surface Warfare Center . ShowAmerica! . Advanced Teamware Publishing . American Products . Ernie’s Automotive . Santa Paula Chevy . EcoNET . Mehle Printing . The Pathfinder Center . Jolene’s Horse Rescue . Yankee Cabinet . Bottoms Up Construction . Santa Barbara County Chefs Association . Ventura Chiropractic . Camarillo Chamber of Commerce . South Coast Area Transit . Driving Dudes . Oxnard Chamber of Commerce . Mariann’s Italian Villa . The Software Cartel . Aldec . Book Mall of Ventura . Ventura Century 21 . Buena Eye Center . Casa de Soria Restaurant . Center Glass Company . Commercial Landscape . California Motorcycle Training . Santa Monica Mountains National Recreational Area . C14.2 National Association . Channel Islands National Park . Fancy Things . KR Tools . Happy Steak Restaurant . Ahntech . Point Mugo Federal Credit Union . Behavioral Sciences Technology . Nordyke Laboratories . Miller Communications . California LVN Association . Camino Escrow . ConsultNet . Crossover Communications . Buena Eye Center . Quintek . DSK Engineering . Wireless Technology . Duramix . Data Retrieval Services . Ellis, Burke & Associates . Epoch Well Logging . Earthly Design . Golden Grain Ministries . Glitter Photography . ips Publishing . Oilfield Electric Company . Jones Intercable . JK Photographic . Knepper Photography . Victorian Rose Wedding Chapel . KXBS Radio Station . Meridian Ocean Surveys . KBBY Radio Station . Rosscape . Nissan . CAD Maping Services . Middough & Associates . Infiniti . Ventura PrintMasters . Beth Benz Optomotrist . Most Computer . M & N Printing . Pro Putt . Ventura Kwik Kopy . Quality Groups Publishing . Stylo Engineering . Single Source Printing . Frantech . Mother’s Deli . Survival Systems . St. John’s Regional Medical Center . Tandon . Ventura County Medical Center . Western Standard Forms . EEsof . Ventura County Professional Women’s Network . Ventura County Black Nurses Association . Wangtek . Mission Hills Mortgage . Ventura County Contractors Association . Ventura Boys & Girls Club . Santa Paula Boys & Girls Club . Fillmore Boys & Girls Club . Print City . Wolfsburg West . Yardage Graphics . Ventura Kenpo Karate . Earthquake Safety Service . GunSlinger . Elevator Video Systems . Dennis Howarth & Associates . The Hair Cuttery . Oxnard Foresters . McRooter . Ash Street North . Rincon Gardens . Ventura County Chiropractic Society . Amplica . Money Mailer . Tony’s Steak & Seafood . Ventura Association of Life Underwriters . Vista del Mar Hospital . Roly International . Pegasus Airlines . Thermadyne . Cycle Parts Plus . Maple Counseling Associates . American Interstate Millworks . Spectrum Window & Wall Coverings . BG’s Coffee Shop . Kitchen Cafe . Phoenix Academy . Lightning Electric . Elephant Bar . Merical Computing . Palma Companies . County of Ventura Department of Alcohol and Drug Abuse . Palmer & Associates . Ventura County Fire Department . Johnson Pet-Dor . TechStaff West . Western Instruments Corporation . Spectrum Cost Recovery Specialists . Robert Gougaloff, DMD, Implant Reconstruction . Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association
Do we have a lot of friends or what?

Larry Holt, co-Owner | Norma Holt, co-Owner
All photos on this site property of and copyrighted by Larry N. Holt